Friday, August 15, 2014

Everything Has a Purpose.

But will this blog have one? Yes and no.

I enjoy writing. I enjoy having opinions. I enjoy hearing the opinions of others. While these exchanges aren't always lighthearted or civil, I will do my best to hold myself to that standard.

So why am I starting a blog?

Easy. I love expressing myself through the written word. I have a lot to say, about everything.

Is there really some life-altering purpose to this blog?

No, not really. While I do believe in this

do I expect to make a difference? No, but it would be nice if I could. Is this an attempt at making some sort of difference in the world through my written word? You could say yes. Won't know if I've made a difference if I don't try.

What will I be discussing?

Pretty much everything. This blog will house many of my thoughts, rational, possibly irrational; it will contain my interests, it will pretty much be me in textual form. Like I said, do I expect to gain anything from this? No, not at all. I do enjoy writing, and even if this is my only foray into being a writer, it will at least keep me content.

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