Sunday, September 14, 2014

Slut Shaming & Pseudo Feminism: Women are at War with Themselves and Each Other.

In light of the recent celebrity shaming with their personal photographs being leaked, I had seen a lot of arguing going on throughout the internet. Some brought up valid points, others not so much, then others ... there are just no words to describe.

One of the biggest issues that I have with what I had seen was the rampant amount of slut shaming going on - especially woman to woman. It is incredibly disheartening to see so many women that are just ... anti-woman.  Why are we so concerned with the fact that these women were naked, and we are not concerned with the fact that their rights to privacy were infringed? They should be allowed to do as they please with their devices - if they want to take and share intimate pictures, they should be able to do so. They should not have to live in fear of their intimate pictures being leaked, then they have to be subjected to public scrutiny and criticism, and this case, slut shamed.

Nudity is not a new thing - at least I would hope people realize that, but why is it that we're in 2014 and slut shaming is still prevalent? In one vein, society cries about how horrible it is that women are insecure; we vilify media for airbrushing imperfections, portraying women as weak, or as PMSing bitches, but when their intimate pictures are leaked (without their permission, mind you) we suddenly resort to calling them sluts and whores for having some degree of confidence.

Is society really that afraid of women who have some sense of self worth? Is this something in which we pretend that we are progressive and moving forward, yet we're really trudging ten steps back?  So many claim that men hold down women, that it's a man's world, and yet you see women who stop at nothing to drag their counterparts down.

Women need to stop vilifying other women. We need to stop cruelly labeling women who behave in a similar manner to the 'boys will be boys' stereotype. Is it really necessary to continually come up with endearing terms such as slut, whore, ratchet, thot, etc., and whatever else we cleverly decide to come up with to demean women? These terms have been used interchangeably, but when you look up society's definitions to these words, they are typically used as degrading insults geared towards women.

There are many that claim that men attack women and their rights, but honestly? Women need to stop viciously attacking each other. Once we stop destroying ourselves, we can stop society from destroying us and hopefully take steps towards true equality between the sexes.

In another vein, and keeping somewhat in sync with the current topic, pseudo feminism is another movement that needs to be stopped in its tracks.  Apparently the new movement is so anti-male that it doesn't make any kind of sense. I have never seen so much hatred towards men as I have seen in the last few weeks - I have even seen some claim that all men are rapists, solely because of their gender.  The true definition of feminism advocates a straight line of equality between the sexes - and last I checked, equality had nothing to do with hatred.

Again, this false feminist movement does nothing but pervert the true essence of what feminism stands for. Because of this, more men tend to exhibit chauvinistic behavior, and if not this, there are men claiming that women are garnering more permissions just because they are women. They are right and they are wrong.

Many, by default, believe that the mother is always the best choice in raising the children, and the father are afforded fewer liberties - if that - in regards to their children. Sometimes the father is the better parent. Sometimes the mother is.

Men who abuse their partners are locked up, even in a he said she said argument, but when a woman abuses her partner and he looks for help, he is laughed at. No one should be beating their partner, nor should anyone be beaten by their partner.

Women can be sexual predators, too. It's 'hot' if a woman is sleeping with her students, but when it's a male, it's disgusting. No one should be preyed upon in a sexual manner.

A man can sleep around, because as mentioned earlier, boys will be boys. Yet, if a woman exhibits this behavior, she is a slut. Alternatively, lesbianism is acceptable - if the lesbians are hot. Gay men are fantastic when it comes to doing hair, making, or putting an outfit together, but two men being in love is gross. No one should be judged according to their sexual behavior or sexuality.

Now, I'm not saying that any of these behaviors are acceptable, but society has such skewed, prehistoric views on how the sexes should act. We have stereotypes that need to be shattered, because so much judgment is being tossed around, and we are allowing it to convolute important issues.

People are continually evolving. Society continues to evolve. Mindsets across the board need to evolve. If we choose to remain in an ignorant state, we are just stagnating society and stifling its ability to grow and thrive.

It's 2014, not 1814. We need to act like a society that is moving forward, and it needs to start now.  It's an insult to human dignity if we don't.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Just a Reminder.

So, apparently I seem to have fallen off the face of the planet, but I've been busy.

Yes, yes, typical excuse, right?

Well, I promise, I really have. I also have a notebook full of topics that I'd like to write about. I could technically start listing them, but that notebook is in my locker, at work.

Fat lot of good that does me.

Anyhow, I plan on getting back into the swing of this blog this week. In addition to jotting down topics, I've started ghost writing essays - as in writing down what to include in my introductions, body, and endings. Who would have thought that I'd be more organized in my writing outside of school? Apparently, I work backwards.